New project, will take a long time

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Here are the pictures from yesterdays work. Both of us couldn't really get going for some reason and as I said before it didn't seem like a lot was done but the pictures seem to show other wise:

As the picture shows the left hand side was miles out after everything was repegged out so it needed to be trimmed off which took ages hence what seemed like little progress:
First cat in the hole:
Don't know why today's update isn't here but I posted it. I'll do it now(again:irked:)
My dad went fishing and Mrs Y wanted to go as well but I wanted to dig, compromise we bought a fire pit instead:headbang2

I must have clicked close on the wrong tab and closed it instead of posting:irked:

The 3d image will have to wait, I'm too tired, but I'll try to get the 2d design up tomorrow.....:popcorn:

Yanbbrox;1976504; said:
My dad went fishing and Mrs Y wanted to go as well but I wanted to dig, compromise we bought a fire pit instead:headbang2

I must have clicked close on the wrong tab and closed it instead of posting:irked:

The 3d image will have to wait, I'm too tired, but I'll try to get the 2d design up tomorrow.....:popcorn:

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Its funny that your cat is looking into the hole...saying what the heck is he doing:screwy: you better keep checking the hole for any strays that are missing..:grinno:you are a workaholic... and i am proud of your accomplishments..... so exciting.....
Red Devil;1976618; said:
Its funny that your cat is looking into the hole...saying what the heck is he doing:screwy: you better keep checking the hole for any strays that are missing..:grinno:you are a workaholic... and i am proud of your accomplishments..... so exciting.....
The cats are just being cats, curious as ever and claiming bits as their own, the dog just sits on the deck watching, then gets bored and falls asleep

mike dunagan;1976829; said:
the hole grows!!!!!!!!!!!!
It does!!!

mackattack702;1976990; said:
making good progress cant wait to see it all done
Thanks mac

Final day working on hole one today, then there is only the filters hole to dig and then I can put my feet up and wait for payday:D
we are all rooting for you... and looking forward to more pics.. {although realize your working all the time} lol
Red Devil;1979354; said:
we are all rooting for you... and looking forward to more pics.. {although realize your working all the time} lol
Thanks for the support Liz:D The hole is dug, update and pictures in a bit:)
I'm not going to lie here, there wasn't a lot of digging out left to do and it only took a couple of hours to finish off, don't forget this was the easy bit it terms of overall project, dig a big hole, don't worry too much about levels etc. just dig. The hard part on the project starts now, trying to level everything off and this is critical, if I get it 100% right the rest should come naturally, if I get it wrong it could cause huge problems later on. Don't get me wrong digging a 17 foot 6 by 7 foot 2, down to 4 foot hole through clay is far from easy;) I'm expecting at least a days work to level off the sides and get the drains in place and the surrounds for the drains sloped correctly. Add another day for the wooden construction of the concrete collar that needs to be installed to strengthen the top layer and make the leveling for the slabs a lot easier in the long run.
Also done today was a general site clearance, the old waterfall was dug out removed and leveled off as was the side next to the fence to the right. 25 barrow loads out to remove the waterfall alone:


Next the filter area was strung out and this is where I hit problems, the plan is to have two vortexes one for each drain installed with jap matting as the main media, when this was strung out I was already out of space for the additional chambers planned, here is the strung out area(needs digging out yet:irked:) this will house the 2x42 inch by 30 inch diameter vortexes:
Now this is where my problems start, until I laid out the string the plan was to incorporate a large bio chamber as another chamber before another chamber for the return pump to the waterfall.

The idea was to use an old 28 inch by 22 inch by 24 inch filter for bio filtration. Old style unit created before the vortex became common place but it has an input at the top for a spray bar plus a large space for a bio mass, it was designed to have foam over the bio, not needed in my case, but after some replanning i can get it in to the desgin also with the return chamber. I do still have concerns that this will not be enough filtration for the pond even using state of the art bio media. I had always planned with the use of 2 drains that this would enable me to add 2 more vortexes next year if needed(and due to project overall cost this year), I could just about get them in after looking at the space but it wouldn't be neat for want of a better word.

Maybe the good Dr is reading to reasure me:) or scare me:WHOA:
Another picture of the completed hole:

Back to work tomorrow(ie I get paid for it) so not much planned for the next few days, I may do a bit on the filter chanber hole in the mornings, I know I said I'd do this and put my feet up until I get paid, which turns out to be this Friday:irked:, so I may order the vortexes and pipe work but that will just irritate me in to doing more work to get them installed so I may leave them for another week and rest on the next block off.

Kudos to my dad for the help so far(apart from yesterday of course;)) now my folks are off on travels again for the next month I'm on my own again, apart from Mrs Y feeding me cup after cup of tea and snacks:)

Thanks for reading and the support, guys and gals:D