New to Central & South American Cichlids

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Great tank! A GT is a solid choice for that tank. If they are in fact two males, i recommend picking your favorite and rehoming the other. Two big males will clash in there.

I like that youve surrounded them with dithers. Dont be surprised if they chase and eat them though. It is to be expected once they put on size and make no mistake the GTs enjoy the sport.
Great tank! A GT is a solid choice for that tank. If they are in fact two males, i recommend picking your favorite and rehoming the other. Two big males will clash in there.

I like that youve surrounded them with dithers. Dont be surprised if they chase and eat them though. It is to be expected once they put on size and make no mistake the GTs enjoy the sport.
Yeah I've lost a danio and a Congo Tetra so far. However, I stupidly fed the Congo Tetra a spider and it was floating around the tank about 4 hours later so maybe it was the spider that killed him?!
Plan was to swap out one of the GT's.. I bought them from seperate stores so one is older than the other. The store owners said they are both males. The older one will probably display better colours because hes dominating the other.
We will see o_O
Also have tiny 3 Cory's which are holding their own!
I would remove the small Corydoras if I were you unless they are a very large growing species like splendens or one of the other larger brochis.
Your gt will probably die if it tries to eat a small Corydoras. They have very sharp pectoral spines that can cause internal damage or they can get lodged in the gt's throat.
I have also found green terrors will eat fish as large as a bleeding heart tetra.Quite a large deep bodied tetra.
The characins you have with your gt will probably all be eaten with time. In the mean time they will become stressed by the presance of your gt.
This will leave the fish prone to desiese, stress is a major trigger of desiese in fish.
I have kept gt with many other species and found the most compatible was a small group of hoplo catfish.
They are a very interesting and entertaining catfish and a gt will ignore them.
I would catch your other fish and trade them in for some hoplo.
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