Oddball's Oddballs (Updated:3-28-15)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I'm so impressed.. this just shows the difference between people..

some boastful mfkers (don't read that as monsterfishkeepers) just loves to show of their expensive fish.. problem is you have those.. only you have a group of them..
Any updates on the hatchery?
Wow, Amazing collection!!!! past and present.... I would love to see pics of your hatchery!!!
Times. They are a-changin', ...again. I have to relocate from MS to AL. Don't know when the move will happen. We're waiting to hear of the closing date for the new house. Will update, hopefully, sooner than later. Right now, we're busy packing and constructing fish transports for the 6 hour drive from the old place to the new place. The fish move will be about a week after the 1st household goods truckload since I have to set up about 1500 gals of tanks on established filters and seeded sponge filters. We have a 6 x 12 ft trailer we're rigging up with insulated and filtered/aerated fish carriers. The AUL gets his own bin since I don't want to risk losing my 3 footer. I've had him since he was just under 7".