Offical Pike Cichlid Photo Shoot

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Finally!!! I got a decent pic of my lucius!
no questions in a photo section :banher: :banhim: :popcorn:

think I found a lil Lucius. eats like crazy and is growing rather nicely. I'm more hoping the bars come out later and it's a cincta (:screwy: , I know)...

"Fire" peakin out

Xingu I "Orange", dont think the dwarf thing is true...

and of course new Cincta pics now about 16"

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Here is my pike, "he" is about 4.5" right now and was sold to me as strigata, is this true? or if not what do you think it is? sorry none of the pics are really up close or else completely clear

fish and asst animals 001.jpg

fish and asst animals 016.jpg
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Here is my best pick so far. Also posted in the Photo Lounge. Just sucks that the big scratch in the glass is also in the pic...
Here is my lepidota. (Excuse the bubbles)

Digi cam pics 007.jpg