Offical Pike Cichlid Photo Shoot

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Here is a photo of a pike I had about 15 yr ago. I believe it was a Sven


Just a couple pics of a few of my pikes. I'll supplement this as I get some better pics of the others...

One of my new lents...

Another lent shot... current favorite...

Another shot of the acute...not the best photo, but I like the view of the dorsal pattern...

Female menezesi...she's the dominant fish in the menezesi tank, and has been kicking the males pretty badly. Still growing and starting to get a little color...

Male menezesi, starting to get some red in the fins and spangling...still a juvie.
April Pics of Cincta, now 11-12". The tail comes to a very nice point. Check all 20 here


def gotta get by my bro with the cam to get the others...
First 2 pics ~ our 'special' red face/cheek lugubris. Huge gold eyes, just started showing light green mottled body markings in the last 2 weeks! He's about 10", has a really good personality.

Last 2 pics ~ Xingu 1 pair. Male almost 12", his fins are really red! Female is really red with a crisp, brilliant white dorsal stripe. Would be nice if they decide to breed!




Heres mine. Had em for about 2.5 years

Schnauzer;176539; said:
I don't have the time right now to set and wait to get a good shot so I snapped a couple more this morning . The darn thing keep getting right under a big severum and stays their blocking my flash . Makes it very hard to get correct focus and enough light . I promise some nice shots when I have a chance to set down and work at it .


that is a great picture...