Offical Pike Cichlid Photo Shoot

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Nice pic. The black and white makes me think I'm looking at an old book, Axelrod from the early 70's or something. Hahaha
softturtle;2363670; said:
Nice pic. The black and white makes me think I'm looking at an old book, Axelrod from the early 70's or something. Hahaha

haha thanks, it was the only film i had in my camera at the time. i realy wish i had taken more picutes of him before he passed...
my fav pike xingu 1

and my venni
here r some of my pikes... not easy to get a hold of them here in norway thats for freekin sure... :irked: here r my bellycrawlers and my xinguI.. and a pic of my norwegian pike-tank setup, in it i have 4 bellycrawlers and one xinguI, i have 4 more xingu's but they r still pretty small so they cant join yet, they need to grow som more first. Beeing so rear here in norway i really dont want them ending up as food for the big ones..






WOW. you should seriously enter that first pic of your lent (the pic in your first post) into POTM...awesome picture and gorgeous pike

Nice Lent and Notop. Love how the Notop is all flared up. Do you just have the single Lent?
Here is couple of my two Lents. Not the quality of pics as yours but......

