Offical Pike Cichlid Photo Shoot

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
A few of mine. I hope you enjoy.





Peanut_Power;3945964; said:
Looking great Brian!!! How are the atabapo IIs doing for HITH? Hopefully you haven't had any problems with it!
Thanks Jer,
All three of my Atabapo IIs are doing great. No real signs, yet!! My KH is like 1 though, and the water's pH is about 6.0. That combined with a good diet seems to keep it at bay for now. Time will tell, though, I am sure!!
Bought this pair about a week ago as lenticulata from my lfs at $30 apiece and they already looked pretty stunning under my growout tanklight before I even unbagged them. Hard to get an intank pic since they're still hiding out but colors still popping and eating well so no probs giving them time to adjust. Can't wait till they put on enough size to go into the big tank.



Those look like Johanna to me but now that I think about it I never seen small lents before.
Ok so I get a call asking me if I can rehome a pike cichlid for a friend, he says it is beating the snot outta his other fish. So I ask him what kind of cichlid he says blue stripe pike about 11 inches. So I figure ok, this is what he brought me.

All shots are from the first hour it was with me or so.

I can tell its a smart fish by the look its giving me

this pic was in the 230, but it is now in my 300 with the freedom to eat all the african cichlids it wishes

the thing I like about this fish is its ability to sort of phase its color at will very nice first time I have ever owned one
It looks like ever fish posted after Brians are Crenicichla sp. 'venezuela' .

Brian ~ Thank goodness!!! I'm battling it with mine right now, pretty much have it stopped I believe. Started dropping my pH and hardness though. It was ridiculous before, like pH of 8.3 and kH of like 7!!! Hate the water around here! Hallelujah for RO water, peat moss, and almond leaves though eh?! :D

Post up some pictures of your new additions in here!! LOTS of pictures!!! Those mutlispinosa are off the hook mate! Just incredible! Congrats again!
Got 3 little dues, about 1.5" not sure what they are, store only knew its a pike chiclid. Any one got any ideas ???
