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Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

My right is to carry what ever my law enforcement carries, they do not carry automatics, you well not see a cop with a automatic machine gun. They are made to mow down a large area indiscriminately, there is no real aiming, just point and spray. useless for hunting, useless for target practicing, and dang stupid for home / self defense. well unless there is a zombie invasion.

Yes, yes, yes, and yes
No i get what u were saying kittie and agree with you. What i meant was that i liked having to re qualify. Couldnt understand what it would be a an issue over here. But again small things like what bathroom to use was a national scandel lol.

Lol @ur disclaimer
Oops, apparently I misinterpreted what you were saying :P

Glad my disclaimer was entertaining for someone. :D

Hello; someone please correct this if I get it mixed up. Some things are a privilege granted under state or federal law. Driving a car on public roads is an example. In order to be able to have this privilege in Kentucky, where I first got my license, we must pass a driving test and a written exam. We can then be issued a drivers license by the state.

The state can and does require that we have insurance and also pay a tag fee each year. Kentucky also charges property tax each year on each registered vehicle. In Tennessee where I now reside they only charge a wheel tax each year so it is much less expensive to have vehicles.

This and other privileges are allowed under state and federal laws. Fees, taxes, mandatory training and other requirements can be put in place by the legislatures. When I was a teacher I was required to take classes to maintain my teaching certification.

Those privileges are not the same as a “right”. When the founding fathers wrote the constitution they included some things that cannot be legislated away by the various government bodies. They also allowed for a process to have amendments to the constitution. Among those added amendments is the second amendment also known as the “right to bear arms”. The first amendment is known as the “free speech amendment.” Collectively these are known as the bill of rights. So the constitutional guarantee of free speech and to bear arms are often called rights.

When something is a “right” it cannot be taken away by state law and the process under federal law is difficult. I think it requires a ¾ vote in both houses and ratification by 2/3 of the states. It has been done but not lately.

To the point. A police officer can be required under state law to take classes and/or qualify with a firearm as a part of being employed. Part of the job in other words. A citizen cannot (perhaps should not might fit) be required to qualify or pay a fee in order to exercise a right. I do not have to take voice classes in order to have “free speech”. I do not have to own property or pay a poll tax in order to vote. I do not have to qualify or take classes in order to have the right to “bear arms”.

The courts have made interpretations of the constitutional “rights” over the decades. To my thinking his has amounted to a restriction of the second amendment rights. Anyway we have to deal with these modifications. I had to take and pass a concealed carry course in order to have a weapon on my person that is not visible for example. I do not have to re-qualify on a time schedule however because I have a constitutional right.

Hello; A story. A young fellow I know well had a father who ran whiskey back in the 1960's. That fellow got a call in the wee hours one morning because the father had put a car loaded with illegal whisky into a ditch. That young fellow drove to the wreck site. There he was helped by two police officers to load the whisky into the trunk is car. No arrests or anything. Then a wrecker was called.

Hello; I like your disclaimer and also claim to have a butt hole.
As I said with my original post on the topic, I have very little knowledge on US politics hence why I've kept the majority of my thoughts to myself.

I was born only two years before the Port Arthur massacre so I've lived my entire life knowing only Australias post-massacre gun laws. I have mixed opinions on my own countries firearm laws so I'm definitely not "qualified" (that's probably not the word I'm looking for) to rant at other people about their countries laws. :)

I did find the story about the illegal whisky amusing though. It made me think of an old movie I used to watch with my grandparents when I was little, there was a scene very similar to what you described. I can't remember the name of the film though.

I'm not sure why everyone liked my disclaimer, but oh well, glad people are being amused by it. :)
he seems to like to post traffic pics, "shrug" some times they can cools picks other times, ya what ever.
he seems to like to post traffic pics, "shrug" some times they can cools picks other times, ya what ever.

Not sure what to think about the stalking pic, she's nice though lol. That William Golding quote is pretty much an old dream now. You know since his death, the percentage of women cheaters has gone up nearly 50%. I'm trying to tell you guys, ....nevermind, deaf ears, I know, smh....
thats 40% not 50, while men stayed even. I read the article. or more to say read the article/review of the book.