. I agree with the concept of not punishing someone for being successful, but don’t sell the plan as huge break for the middle class because it’s not. The democrats are positioned well to take the senate during midterms and that is not a good thing. Who knows.
See this reminds me of the promises that were made with obamacare.
Most of the people i talk to are conservative like myself and 99% of them are done with the GOP they (myself included) cant believe how a Republican pres whose party has the votes cant get done what was promised. Im way past the point of hearing "well its not his fault the republicans are fighting him" the bottom line is my life hasnt changed much from the last administration.
Those channels are definitely not for educating anyone. This site has some examples of the how the new tax bill works out in different cases.
This does not seem like a simplified tac system. On the surface it feels like we are gerting duped again. So some will get the. Hild tax credit and other wont.... what about the mortgage deduction is it capped ?
How do you feel about it mike ?
......and here I am about to impose my own ban on the news shows as all the negativity,accusations and petty bickering from both sides of political line is starting to wear thin with me.
Tarheel,thanks for posting that link.
Dude its crazy i havent watched the news for months. Turned it on and its the same exact stories....like yeah ik man we already knkw all of the endless statistics on illegal immigrarion. The little i did hear on the tax bill was more of the anylists opinion but not giving any hard facts....jjst trump fanboys saying its great