they stopped paying the insurance companies because trump refused to renew funding. Healthcare is also specific. I’ve had to deal with high deductible for 12 years now because that’s how my work plan is structured. Each year I’ve had a kid I’ve spent $15k out of pocket. To me the failure of Obamacare was it was strictly focused on expanding care. The biggest issue is medical costs which it didn’t solve, just tried to spread the cost from old and sick to young and healthy. No one is talking about reducing costs. Repealing Obamacare at this stage will just make insurance more expensive.
The US is close to 50/50 divided on so many things it’s very hard to keep people happy. Saw a poll where they compares trumps first year against Obama and how their constituents felt about the direction of the country. They were almost direct copies excerpt under Obama’s democrats were happy and republicans angry, now republicans are happy and democrats pissed off.
Right but he and everyone else was aware that the next pres would not renew funding...its simply not sustainable long term. Imo the health care companies played nice during his presidency and were rewarded for their losses but were give an out as he was leaving office basically qhen it all falls apart its no one blames him.
It sucks that you had such a high deductible but thats the plan your company offered this is very different. Obama touted this as affordable health care....which it clearly is not. This is a gov initiated program that is basically being forced on us not a companies chosen plan.