Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hello; What I am about to write likely does not apply in this particular case. This guy has screwed up in one sense if he goes to jail over a $5 beer. It is more of a general attitude about life.
You get a job with a crew like I did years ago in the log woods. The crew is going to test you pretty soon to see what you are made of. You wind up doing something stupid dangerous as a sort of test. If you make it the crew will leave you alone. Guys who don't try will not get much respect. They will be picked on for as long as they can stand to work there. No respect for someone who will not stand up for himself.
You move into a new neighborhood like when I bought my current house. I had to set the bounds with my neighbors. Don't know if they like me but we get along in ways that count.

This guy who shot a fellow trying to steal a beer likely will lose by law, but if he happens to slide I bet there will not be many willing to steal from him again. I do not figure this will make sense to you at any rate.
I may give you a beer but I do not want you to try to take one from me.

I've been through sports hazing, but when I was in heavy construction I told them I'm not doing ****. I'm a grown man I'm not risking my well being for some stupid high school initiation.

I was also a honky growing up in bham when it was in the top 5 in murders in the US. Ive had to back several people down and my apartment /car was broken several times. I even use to keep my .45 on me doing laundry, because people would rob you for the laundry change. I defended myself when necessary, but I refused to be apart of the problem.

A lot of people talk a good game. Have you ever looked down the sights at another human being? It's not something to be taken lightly. I've been shot, shot at, and stabbed.
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Hello; What I am about to write likely does not apply in this particular case. This guy has screwed up in one sense if he goes to jail over a $5 beer. It is more of a general attitude about life.
You get a job with a crew like I did years ago in the log woods. The crew is going to test you pretty soon to see what you are made of. You wind up doing something stupid dangerous as a sort of test. If you make it the crew will leave you alone. Guys who don't try will not get much respect. They will be picked on for as long as they can stand to work there. No respect for someone who will not stand up for himself.
You move into a new neighborhood like when I bought my current house. I had to set the bounds with my neighbors. Don't know if they like me but we get along in ways that count.

This guy who shot a fellow trying to steal a beer likely will lose by law, but if he happens to slide I bet there will not be many willing to steal from him again. I do not figure this will make sense to you at any rate.
I may give you a beer but I do not want you to try to take one from me.

I've been through sports hazing, but when I was in heavy construction I told them I'm not doing ****. I'm a grown man I'm not risking my well being for some stupid high school initiation.

I was also a honky growing up in bham when it was in the top 5 in murders in the US. Ive had to back several people down and my apartment /car was broken several times. I even use to keep my .45 on me doing laundry, because people would rob you for the laundry change. I defended myself when necessary, but I refused to be apart of the problem.

A lot of people talk a good game. Have you ever looked down the sights at another human being? It's not something to be taken lightly. I've been shot, shot at, and stabbed. Been overseas with folks shooting at me when I got close to them they dropped their weapons. We didn't execute them. Why ? Because they're no longer a threat and we're not the bad guys. Now did they get roughed up? comment

My point is human life has been devalued so much these days. It should only be taken if absolutely necessary. I think we need to get back to respecting one another and quit being so vengeful. Your talking about justifying chasing someone down and shooting them out of anger. I wonder if that was your son or nephew if you'd still have the same opinion
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A manager of a Sonic restaurant in Gulfport,Mississippi has asked it's customers to please get high before coming to order your food and not during the middle of the transaction.The manager has posted this request on a sign after a drive-thru customer blew a big plume of weed smoke right into the face of a young employee a few weeks ago and other staffers being tired of the drive thru area reeking of weed all the time.
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Not sure how work applies to this, I was a hot commercial roofer for years, can be very brutal when first starting back in the early 80ies. not going to get into all the crap but sufise to say hot roofers back then where a whole different animal back then.
A manager of a Sonic restaurant in Gulfport,Mississippi has asked it's customers to please get high before coming to order your food and not during the middle of the transaction.The manager has posted this request on a sign after a drive-thru customer blew a big plume of weed smoke right into the face of a young employee a few weeks ago and other staffers being tired of the drive thru area reeking of weed all the time.

Get this...

A few days ago we were stuck on the interstate for 2 hours. A guy in front of us opened his door and started smoking up right there.

I guess you really can't expect a lot from a generation of tide pot eaters and condom snorters though...
I've been through sports hazing, but when I was in heavy construction I told them I'm not doing ****. I'm a grown man I'm not risking my well being for some stupid high school initiation.

I was also a honky growing up in bham when it was in the top 5 in murders in the US. Ive had to back several people down and my apartment /car was broken several times. I even use to keep my .45 on me doing laundry, because people would rob you for the laundry change. I defended myself when necessary, but I refused to be apart of the problem.

A lot of people talk a good game. Have you ever looked down the sights at another human being? It's not something to be taken lightly. I've been shot, shot at, and stabbed.

Hello; The logging job did not have an initiation routine. The first morning I drove to the landing. From there we had a hike further up the mountain above Evarts KY. The driver of the log skidder asked me to hop on. I did and rode up to the area where trees were being felled that day. A log skidder is a big all wheel drive vehicle with very large tires. It is articulated in the middle and steered by large hydraulic rams. I rode on the left side step hanging on to the grab bars the drive uses to climb into the single seat. I was between the two large wheels on one side. When the driver turned left the two wheels got ever so close. I figured how easy it would be to lose my grip and fall under a big wheel pretty quick. I hung on and made it.

The test came the second morning when the skidder driver offered me a ride again. Everyone stopped to watch. I climbed on again fully understanding what was to come by then. Just before the driver started the motor the crew boss told me to get off and walk. I did not have to fight anybody or put up with other crud after that. May be stupid but to walk among men you have to do stuff like that.

I defended myself when necessary, but I refused to be apart of the problem.
Hello; I do not follow the logic. We either defend ourselves or we let people do what that will with us. Sounds like you are somewhat in line with my thinking.

Hello; No I have not aimed at anyone and hope I never have to. Will I have what it takes to shoot if the time ever comes? I have not been tested so the answer is unknown.
Hello; No I have not aimed at anyone and hope I never have to. Will I have what it takes to shoot if the time ever comes? I have not been tested so the answer is unknown.

and love to keep it that way.
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Get this...

A few days ago we were stuck on the interstate for 2 hours. A guy in front of us opened his door and started smoking up right there.

I guess you really can't expect a lot from a generation of tide pot eaters and condom snorters though...
....and coupled with the apparent movement to decriminalize pot possession that seems to be afoot people now seem to be more brazen with their open use of it than ever.
report. call it in. If you are not willing to do that then it aint going to stop. No dif than a guy drinking and driving. see it call it in.
You guys hear how Kimmel poked fun at the 1st lady's easter day reading ?

Imagine of that was done to oshama's wife. Crazy man