Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

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"Did anyone hear about a lady giving a parent a hard time because she gave her kid a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at a Target"

Again don't know anything besides this but yeah please don't feed my kid anything especially something that can be allergic and if your a stranger... My wife woukd have went off If some stranger gave my kids any food without permission
That was my first understanding of the post before I re read it.
I also had to go back and re read it to be as clear as I could on what he meant and I know all too well about how dangerous to some people peanuts suddenly seem to be.My wife is a teacher and she has told me all kinds of stories about how the noxious nuts are dealt with at her work...they are pretty much banned as well as anything that is even cooked in peanut oil.
I know that they can kill a child but that doesn't give someone the right to get up in someone's face as they feed their own child.

Ahh now I get it it. She was feeding her own child and some maniac went off on her.....I read it as some stranger gave a kid a PB sandwich (not her kid)
Ahh now I get it it. She was feeding her own child and some maniac went off on her.....I read it as some stranger gave a kid a PB sandwich (not her kid)
Haha and get this!.....I just did a little searching and it seems the parent posted her experience on some mother/baby forum and she was berated by other forum members FOR FEEDING HER CHILD THE SANDWICH IN PUBLIC!!!
Haha and get this!.....I just did a little searching and it seems the parent posted her experience on some mother/baby forum and she was berated by other forum members FOR FEEDING HER CHILD THE SANDWICH IN PUBLIC!!!

Wtf man that's crazy. So her kid is to be deprived of something because someone else can't have it.... Lmaooo my wife just said she would have slapped the women with the PB sandwich and asked her if she was allergic haahaba
Wtf man that's crazy. So her kid is to be deprived of something because someone else can't have it.... Lmaooo my wife just said she would have slapped the women with the PB sandwich and asked her if she was allergic haahaba
LOL!.....your wife would have set that sanctimonious sycophant straight.The forum members were telling the woman what a horrible mother and person she is since the peanut butter from the sandwich could have gotten smeared onto surfaces that other children come in contact with.
LOL!.....your wife would have set that sanctimonious sycophant straight.The forum members were telling the woman what a horrible mother and person she is since the peanut butter from the sandwich could have gotten smeared onto surfaces that other children come in contact with.

So instead of the peanut crazies teaching their kids best practices let's punish everyone else. Please

Not too far off topic but my son's little league started up. He moved up to the minors dont think he's good enough though but anyway I can't believe how some of these kids talk to adults... lately it seems that my son's attitude been how do you say.... Questionable.

Tonight he's in for a rude awakening
see no reputable sites reporting on mad camel or prion decease in camels. do see it on a few I have no ideal who they are sites.
I believe I found it on yahoo news, however since it is a prion disease I doubt it will effect people in places that don't eat camel meat (does anyone know what that taste like?)
Snowflakes...we'll be speaking another language pretty soon.
Sounds like the woman needs to mind her own business and I hope the parent very colorfully told her as much.....and SK yeah,years ago we never heard of any peanut allergies.

Allergy rates have gone up , the reason being is that many people are now raised in non natural enviorments when young, forest, farms,fields, lakes all help build our immune systems, this is why. Aries eat random objects, to create a immune system.