nope nothing new, only dif is now we are enforcing it allot harder, so the amount illegals has gone up that are being processed/apprehended.
nope nothing new, only dif is now we are enforcing it allot harder, so the amount illegals has gone up that are being processed/apprehended.
One word......Votes.What kills me is they get benefits that crap needs to stop ASAP.
Why they haven't ended that yet is what I want to know.
I think the MSM acting like this is new policy yet never saying a peep about it during the last admin, makes the narrative obvious.
If you detained entire families, the first time a kid was molested or harmed, the Gov would be sued.
My issue with it is how lamestream and the dims are using it as ammo as if it is something new.
If you didn't have anything to say about it years ago then keep your mouth shut about it now.Don't pound on your soapbox like it's some new and evil,Order 66 type of operation.
"Obama’s guidelines prioritized the deportation of gang members, those who posed a national security risk and those who had committed felonies. Trump’s January 2017 executive order does not include a priority list for deportations and refers only to “criminal offenses,” which is broad enough to encompass serious felonies as well as misdemeanors."nope nothing new, only dif is now we are enforcing it allot harder, so the amount illegals has gone up that are being processed/apprehended.
Crime has gone way down here now that they got tough on them, especially helps in a border state like here
One word......Votes.
I didn't say that they vote yet but that is the endgame of the strengthen the voter base for their party.Why the Hell else do you think they go on and on about them and try to give them so much as if they are American citizens? It's all about power.Source on illegals voting?
I didn't say that they vote but that is the endgame of the strengthen the voter base for their party.Why the Hell else do you think they go on and on about them and try to give them so much as if they are American citizens? It's all about power.
I'll call them whatever I want,if you think that what I say is stupid then you are calling me the same and perhaps you should refrain from talking to me.No offense but calling democrats "the dims" is stupid. If you cannot refrain from calling a political group you disagree with a insulting term, do you believe people are going to think "This man/woman sounds like he/she has a good head on his/her shoulders. I should listen to him/her." or "This man/woman sounds like he/she can't be respectful towards people he/she doesn't agree with"?
Anyway, the endgame of both political parties is "to strengthen the voter base for their party" as you put it. A recent example is Trump saying that immigrants will overrun the US. If this is so unacceptable to the american people, they may vote for another politician(s) who does not hold favorable beliefs towards them. At the end of the day, the people vote for those whose beliefs most concur with theirs or not at all.
I'll call them whatever I want,if you think that what I say is stupid then you are calling me the same and perhaps you should refrain from talking to me.
The dims threw the word "respect " out into the garbage heap a long time ago.
Hello; How true.How dare you use your logic that's forbidden...
Yes they broke the law but allot of us benefit from this. Now if you commit a crime...even J walking then your outta here thats easier for me to justify.
Hello; The discussion is about those that sneak in but get caught and not about those who go to a proper immigration facility and ask for entry, right?nothing new, only dif is now we are enforcing it allot harder, so the amount illegals has gone up that are being processed/apprehended.
One word......Votes.
Hello; heard on the news today that a federal judge overturned a state law requiring some sort of legal ID in order to register to vote. The judge says a person only has to swear they are a legal citizen in order to register to vote. Forget the state and I hope it gets challenged.Source on illegals voting?
Hello; I'll buy that for a dollar. (What movie?)I'll call them whatever I want,