Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

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There is a difference between calling someone's statement stupid and the actual person themselves stupid, at least in my opinion.
Hello; Yeah but not much difference at all. Had a former friend who did that sort of thing. Turns out an insult is still an insult even if it is gone at sideways.
Hey Sk,which movie was that line from.....Blazing Sadles?
My issue with it is how lamestream and the dims are using it as ammo as if it is something new.
If you didn't have anything to say about it years ago then keep your mouth shut about it now.Don't pound on your soapbox like it's some new and evil,Order 66 type of operation.

That's my issue. Either complain across the board or stfu
Don't forget clothing she can fit in and a row of plane tickets.
She's according to her website:
Ashleigh Shackelford is a queer, nonbinary Black fat femme cultural producer, data futurist, and multidisciplinary visual artist. In her commitment to creating and imagining new futures, Ashleigh is the creator and director of Free Figure Revolution, a southern body liberation organization that centers decolonizing antiblackness and fatphobia. Additionally, in her work of data futurism, she has created both the Fat Census and the Queer Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault survey to create more evidence-based data within marginalized communities.

No offense but calling democrats "the dims" is stupid. If you cannot refrain from calling a political group you disagree with a insulting term, do you believe people are going to think "This man/woman sounds like he/she has a good head on his/her shoulders. I should listen to him/her." or "This man/woman sounds like he/she can't be respectful towards people he/she doesn't agree with"?

Anyway, the endgame of both political parties is "to strengthen the voter base for their party" as you put it. A recent example is Trump saying that immigrants will overrun the US. If this is so unacceptable to the american people, they may vote for another politician(s) who does not hold favorable beliefs towards them. At the end of the day, the people vote for those whose beliefs most concur with theirs or not at all.

So if they're black fat etc its cool to call them whatever, but dims is just crossing the line huh?

Hello; Yeah but not much difference at all. Had a former friend who did that sort of thing. Turns out an insult is still an insult even if it is gone at sideways.

I think there is a difference between simply calling the statement stupid and actually criticizing it.

I do not see how calling people of a different political party a insulting term is beneficial in any way. I do not believe that anyone appreciates being called a insult because of their beliefs.
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That is definitely an "it".
Gollum is gender binary, and prefers the pronoun "he". Tolkien was very traditional :p

If they made the illegal "immigrants" pay Social Security, income tax, and only live in fire dept. approved houses with a c-of-o for the number of people living in them, I would put up a sign on every border welcoming them. The U.S. can only stay rich and powerful by growing, and immigration helps us grow. The US was always strongest during or right after times of mass immigration. We have only .32 billion people, and are trying to compete with China, with 1.4 billion, we need growth, and immigrants are usually more ambitious than native born Americans, and open up management positions for people who were here longer.
I know why people are angry, my father had a home improvement business for a while, and almost lost the house because of it. He had to take, say $25/hr, for himself and each of his workers, because of tax, and the fact that you need to pay rent etc., but the illegals could take $10 and make the same money, because they don't pay tax or insurance, and live in cheaper, illegal housing that then creates a threat to the firemen who volunteer to protect all of our lives.