Hello; What I hear is Sara Sanders left quietly. Don't know enough about the incident yet to make a serious evaluation.
Hello; On the teaching English to non English speaking people my guess is the hard part is finding someone who is fluent enough in English and at least one other language. My guess is there may be more than just Spanish speaking students involved.
The money for these programs and the extra classroom space likely is the next big hurdle. The school systems I am familiar with are funded by local property taxes to a large degree. There will be some federal and maybe some state funds available but these are sometimes dedicated to particular programs such as school lunch.
For legal immigrants I am not upset about such specialty classes. After all a legal immigrant has applied in some way for entrance and at some point we have decided to let them in. I guess in a perfect world the immigrant families would take this burden on them selves but anymore our society tends to create more and more social programs.
A real problem seems to be all the illegal aliens. It is not clear to me but best as I can tell some bureaucrat or maybe a judge has decided that illegal children need to be in school.
As a public school teacher I was sometimes handed assignments for which I had no training. I guess the theory was "Hey we need someone to do this thing that the bureaucrats dumped on us and hey the teachers are already in place. Let the teachers do it.
I recall one year all the teachers had to attend a meeting. Some state paper pusher had decided students needed some career education. I was trained in Biology and Physical Science and not in career ed. During the only meeting/training session we teachers had we were handed some Xeroxed papers. When we asked about a text we were told to come up with materials on our own. So for the next term I had a separate daily preparation in addition to all my regular classes and without any materials. Not saying the English language classes are fubar, but.
Maybe one thing I don't understand is why teach English to people we should be deporting anyway? This concept to me is very strange. Makes me think there is a intention afoot to NOT deport all these illegals. Feed them, give them some hygene facilities, some short term medical care and such. Keep them secure and deport them as soon as is possible.