Hello; Having discussed similar sorts of things face to face with a person on your general side of the issues, I recognize the tactic you use. That tactic being to try to characterize my responses as unpleasant and in a vulgar way.
In this instance twisting my stance falsely into the equivalent of claiming I am saying "F you" to their culture. My take is they get to have what ever culture they wish at their own place, but when they decide to come live at my place then be prepared to leave the parts of that culture which do not fit and adopt the culture they are moving into.
There is more to say but your comments about the French indicate this is not to be a civil discussion. My take is you sense near fatal flaws in your position and are now resorting to vulgar language and throwing the "Nazi bomb".
Hello; As I already stated your use of "Nazi, bigot and crook" to describe the French pretty much ends any useful comments here.
The only thing worth answering about that unpleasant spiel is this. I do not know what immigration standards the French actually use. Each country gets, or at least should get, to set the standards they want. After all it is their country. If you or anyone else do not like the standards of a particular country then do not try to live there.
The notion you appear to champion for the USA is that those of us already here and who come from a lineage having been here for a long time should try to adjust to the folks coming in and not the other way around.
Hello; Very good question. I did not know they were a chain. So this woman may only own the one place? I do not think there are any Red Hen places in my area so they will not lose my business, but I bet some will just because of this.
You are right for calling out my poor choice of words. They were not conducive to open discussion. However, I still believe that while, yes you must not cater to every whim of the newcomer, and no there is no 'must' anywhere, but, a) there is only so much change a person can handle, and b) someone who feels unwanted is not going to make a good immigrant or citizen.
My comments about the French are not based on their immigration system, but on first hand information I have received from people who have fled France due to persecution, partly from people
who identify as Nazis.
Wikipedia said:
Neo-Nazi organizations are outlawed in the Fifth French Republic, yet a significant number of them still exist.
My choice of words left what to be desired there as well.
My two points, however, remain.
1) The US has been, and is the best country in the world, and it is responsibility to keep it that way. We fed the Irish in their first famine, accepted the starving refugees of countless famines and wars, funded WWII, lent money to all the countries of the world after WWII to prevent WWIII after the Europeans proved incapable of taking care of themselves with the Treaty of Versailles after WWI, and did countless other things, incidentally becoming the richest country in the world in the process. Do we need to take care of our own and preserve our country first? Yes, but it is still our responsibility to make sure the US stays the best county in the world.
2)The US is a country of immigrants. You may feel far removed from your immigrant ancestors, but you still are a descendant of immigrants. Am I less of an American because my grandmother was born in a DP camp in Europe? Because the furthest back I can trace my American ancestors is to the 1830's? This is a country of immigrants, strong because we have the best of every country in the world. Immigration makes us stronger. Illegal immigration is bad, and we do not need to import Sharia law or Jihad, and I can see the "Blanket ban" as a sensible short term solution, but something needs to be done to allow these people to emigrate and to assimilate.
If Trump succeeds in making peace in East Asia and/or rectifying our relationship with the Chinese, and/or increasing legal immigration, I will admit that as much as I dislike him, he is a great president, as he would be helping us maintain our status as the best in the world. I wish a dignified person like Obama could have done these things, but maybe we need a Trump. I still could never vote for D. Trump, though.