Buddy where in what you quoted Trump saying is there racism ?? Where
And hold on but you can't have your cake and eat it to. If BLM who I despise gets free speech then so do white sepremacists who I also despise. I totally agree that yes racism does go two ways it does exist on both sides and guess what I'm perfectly fine with it. Any person has a right to like or dislike how they see fit I would just prefer that they keep it to themselves. Freedom is a two way street even for what we dislike that's the issue with libs. Can't play fair always taking your ball and going home
Never said we shouldn't allow free speech to white supremacists (unless they're inciting riots or something that would cause danger to the general public).
Oh and guess what I don't care if our president regardless of skin color is racist, cheats on his wife with farm animals, or does what ever whacky crap people do. As long as he does his job, puts his beliefs aside, follows our constitution (for the most part) and puts this country 1st I'm all good with that.
If your accountant gets you back a great return do you care if he cheats on his wife or hates certain races....even your own ? As long as he isn't hurting anyone then so be it.
Follow our constitution for the most part? If he goes down that road, where will for the most part end? It's like saying for the most part I don't smoke cigarettes.
Presidents have a immense influence on the public for better or for worse. Trump is hurting racial relations and minorities with his rhetoric. If you are calling people rapists and criminals because of their ethnicity, while you are president, you are encouraging "soft" racism among your constituents. I know of no accountant as well known as Trump.