I have to agree, we really need to save the ice at the poles.
How? Wind and solar are so erratic you need a storage system. The battery for storage would be I think 20 bill and only lasts 10 yrs with our current tech. Even if we ramp up the power really high in good times the grid can't handle it. People refuse to allow hydro due to hurting species in the area and you can't put it just anywhere. Nuclear creates rad waste which the best in the world can only reclaim 28%. This leaves you quickly ramping coal plants up/down which their not designed to do which creates even higher emissions. This endeavor will send us into 3rd world poverty for a slight change. Our lower middle class Will drop down to lower class our upper middle will go to higher. This creates a great gap in classes which results in even more crime due to relative poverty (ref Jordan Peterson).
Since 2k Germany has dropped $222 bill and hasn't seen a real reduction since 09. They actually had an increase in emissions in 16 due to firing up coal and ramping it as mentioned above due to filling gaps along with them dropping nuclear. They generate a lot of power on good days but can't really store it. They're over powering their grid which is actually putting them into the negative on $ value of their power. They try to send it to their neighbors but again the bottle neck is the grid. All the while energy costs for the people have doubled and hurt their middle class. Which is bad due to relative poverty.
Carbon capturing may pan out but right now isn't there yet. Most of the damage is done already as well. Everyone would really have to unplug and due without a lot of ammenties to make a reduction
Verdict: Dude your screwed