So, the cows are racist?PETA sinks to a new low, claiming that cow's milk is a symbol of white supremacy.
So, the cows are racist?PETA sinks to a new low, claiming that cow's milk is a symbol of white supremacy.
.....was this at a restaurant? people are supposed to enjoy their meal while some pooch takes a steaming dump on the floor right next to them?Anthropomorphism
Its out of hand. You're not a dog parent you're a dog owner. I was looking at a lunch menu and I kid you not they had a for dogs section...pooch-ini. Obviously I like animals, but come on people get a grip these are not humans...not even remotely close.
.....was this at a restaurant? people are supposed to enjoy their meal while some pooch takes a steaming dump on the floor right next to them?
Hello; yes!You're not a dog parent you're a dog owner.
Hello; Yes!come on people get a grip these are not humans...not even remotely close.
Hello; Was in Kroger supermarket a few days ago. A woman had a dog in a shopping cart. I found the manager to tell him about it. He knew already and hem-hawed around but basically said he was not going to do anything. Dogs do not have a place in a food store nor in a people are supposed to enjoy their meal while some pooch takes a steaming dump on the floor right next to them?
hello; better than trying to bite you.this guy's dog jumps on the back of my leg.