Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
But you're in Arizona right? I wouldn't think you'd have too hard a time getting to some barren desert.
Yep, still nowhere near as hard as it would be on the eastern side, out here the Gun still reigns and the sun has not set on gun rights
Lol, crazy he chose the chair. He wanted to go out with a bang.
Hello; He is the second person executed here in TN lately. The first was injected and a big stink was raised about such being very painful. Seems a while back (maybe a couple years now) the only drug company that made the long accepted lethal injection drug decided to stop production. So as I understand TN picked some substitutes. The ploy is one of the drugs used paralyses the criminal and the next drug used to actually kill causes a lot of pain in the process. That he feels a lot of pain before actually passing away.
My take has been that the woman this last fellow murdered did not have any thing to ease her pain and terror. That she did not deserve to die the way she had to. That the murderer does deserve to die and if he happens to suffer that is more than fair. Not clear to me that the chair is an easier way to go.
Anyway me thinks he used the outcry against lethal injection as a foil and asked for the chair figuring the state would not dust it off and actually use it. If that was the plan it id not work out and I am pleased my share of TN taxes paid a portion of the electric bill. I would like for the cost of 35 years of housing him to not be the norm. 35 years is just too long.
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Reactions: Deadliestviper7 have to please certain people that say he has a right to die as humanly as possible. Be damn the poor victim that didn't have a choice.
Speaking of,I heard someone was found lynched somewhere in Houston.Have you heard anything about it borg?
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