Dude if they make it to their 20, they can be held accountable for the rest of their lives under UCMJ if the military decides to prosecute. One time I inprocessed a new prisoner at the Regional Corrections Facility in Ft. Sill, OK seven years after he retired because the Fed decided to press charges for something he did. I don't remember what he did anymore.
Ugh thats freakin horrible 7 yrs out !!!!.
Im down to my last law suit. Should be over soon.
One of my partners who did 2 tours in Afghanistan on over time one night gets jammed up in the worst way possible. Inmate spits in his face, he reacts and pops him a couple of times. Nothing major. He gets suspended brought up on charges. Beats said charges. The city and state bring him up on charges... beats those as well. Gets his shield back and starts working with our team again. 2 months later the Fed brings him up on charges. He gets Rail roaded the judge be littles him on top of it. Serving 16 months. Lost the pension, healthcare and his pride.
The inmate literally had no injuries fat lip and a black eye.