seriously, even for cats? "Rescues" have become a real scam here in Cali.heck yea, cats aren't any easier. I asked about an application for cat adoption at petco, it was ridiculous.
seriously, even for cats? "Rescues" have become a real scam here in Cali.heck yea, cats aren't any easier. I asked about an application for cat adoption at petco, it was ridiculous.
that's what I think too. purebred dogs have even been stolen from yards and adopted out from county shelters in another district to rescues before the owner can find them.Might be a racket too...Someone at the county shelters probably call them when the potentially profitable pooches come in so they can sell them and give the shelters a cut of the sales.
I'm sure some are honest, but I am about ready to throw in the towel. I'm checking on a dog tomorrow and if it is already "Taken", I'm done. gonna look for a regular purchase.Having been employed at a shelter and being a volunteer for 4 years I wouldn't be surprised if a county shelter did that but I know mine wouldn't. If we send a dog to rescue its cause they need it lol. Keep in mind breed rescues are crazy as Heck
I'm sure some are honest, but I am about ready to throw in the towel. I'm checking on a dog tomorrow and if it is already "Taken", I'm done. gonna look for a regular purchase.
I have searching everything, county shelters and private rescues looking for a boxer mix. don't want a pit mix because of their "bite & shake" strength we have a chi left here, after losing our big old girl. I can't freakin believe how much things have changed in 13 years. I think the Rescue politics are worse in So Cal, which is closest to me because I'm in the middle of nowhere.You dealing with a rescue? County shelter, or a privately funded shelter? County shelters practically give stuff away, rescues are the most strict and privately funded varies
I know adults are hard, but where the heck to puppy mixes go?Well that's may be part of the issue finding a boxer in a shelter that is good with kids and small dogs is kinda hard. Of the 25+ boxers I've met throw my shelter I can say with certainty that only like 5 meet what you need and excluding pit mix in California limits you so much. Boxers in a county shelter are there cause they either came in as a stray cause it got out and there for the shelter knows nothing, owners surrendered it because it either knocked a child down or chased/ killed something small, or its old. Boxer rescue is even more difficult. I say just hang in there and keep looking. They do pop up just not often. I'd say look online for someone needing to rehome one and talk to them
I know adults are hard, but where the heck to puppy mixes go?