Here's 3 of my 7 PK's. The first is the biggest one, which I'm just assuming is male, then one that size-wise puts it in the middle (but it's second in aggression), and the last one is the smallest one (but somehow still the 3rd in pecking order and the only one who actually fully claimed a territory in the tank).
Anyway, they all look completely different. The second one looks sort of like a premature red texas, but the biggest one couldn't pass for one unless you were blind. He looks more like one of those Breidohri x Thai Silk crosses (along with the other 4 I didn't take pictures of). I tried my best to get the white balance accurate in the images, but I've never shot under fluorescent lights, let alone in a tannin dyed aquarium either, so the colors are kind of misleading. The biggest one is more blue-ish with red on the fins and chest.