I've seen about 10 episodes. It's a pretty good show, but the guys (especially the big guy) are bad actors and it's obvious they're being fed lines.
I also don't like how they rarely show any freshwater setups, and when they do, it's always some BS tank with rummy nose tetras and angel fish and gouramis. (No offense if you keep those type of fish). If they're going to make huge tanks, they should have huge fish there too, but they always make the FW tanks these little community setups that everyone has. It's like they're purposely trying to make FW less attractive than saltwater.
On the plus side, they make some awesome tanks. The one they made for Tracy Morgan was really good. They made a 400 gallon shark tank for him and they had an acrylic arm and leg that looked like they had been bitten off by a shark as the decoration - I thought it was kinda cool.