ok what exactly is a "rainbow" flowerhorn ?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
oh by the way guys

my " rainbow " flowerhorn has turned out to be quite a pretty fish
i geuss you can score !!!

thanks orbit !!!!
I saw these "rainbows" at Preuss last friday. It looked to me like a zz x rainbow cichlid. Only thing that resembled the typical fh was the flowerline. Had the body shape of a rainbow or jd. Rye can you post updated pics of what youes looks like now?
i dont see that im them at all lol

yea ill got some soon
I guess most Gary's buyers don't post a picture of their "rainbow" flowerhorns on here.
Damn some of you guys are opinionated for a minority forum. Flowerhorns have always been attractive in the eye of the beholder. Theres many I like and dislike but I dont go around bumming people out over fish they really like.

Having said that id definatly grow out the circled one I think it looks decent!

Good for him for trying I think he just needs more direction with the line breeding. Keep us updated on that pearlier one, id separate it and powerfeed.
