ok what exactly is a "rainbow" flowerhorn ?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I don't know what there is to enjoy about this thread. It basically comes down to Gary (super g, odassa catfish) breeding low grade fish and flooding all of my LFS's with them. I try to help all the locals out and when it comes to quality flowerhorns but it's people like Gary that are ruining it for everybody in my area which is why I have such a big problem with him. I have been going to most of the auctions in SE michigan since I have been in the hobby and trying to convince the club leaders to let me sell flowerhorn but it's the ugly, low grade one's that Gary has at all the LFS's that are making all the locals think down on flowerhorns. I'll prevail evetually. With the help of MFK and this group buy I hope that locals can start breeding some quality fish for themselves and maybe I won't have to order all my flowerhorns from overseas anymore.
I keep stared that picture that Gary posted...they have little color or no color at all...yech.
dayyyum guys this thread got whacked