One proven way to treat ich/ick

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
guppy is the man
hands down
for any treatment of most diseases if theres a cure, it will be on a thousand webpages, and i guess its good guppy posted this up cause theres lots of people asking about ich especially.

also it is though fish can become imune to it, and im pretty sure my 2 gouramis are, they are the only fish that have survived a couple of outbreaks that killed all other fish.

also prevention is a key, good water quality keeps the fish immune system up, and be careful when adding new things to tank- feeders, new fish, food, plants etc.
I'm assuming this advice was meant for treatment in freshwater tanks. What would be the method for saltwater? same treatment of raised salinity and temp?
also when you do a break down of your tank, I boil my rocks to kill off any thing living in the cracks, My tank hasnt had ick since i had it set up which has been about 2 years so far, my friend says he has a UV filter on his set up and he has nopt have any kind of pearcites in his tank also algee blooms, but when i used to have ick in my smaller tank I used to give my fish salt baths or salt dips what ever you want to call it
Atarax said:
I'm assuming this advice was meant for treatment in freshwater tanks. What would be the method for saltwater? same treatment of raised salinity and temp?
No. I don't know the full treatment for saltwater ick but raising the salinity is not recomended.
Thanks for the advise! I got into the hobby 1.5-2 yrs ago and to this point i've been lucky enough not to encounter any illness. It wasn't untill yesterday that I started to read on different aquatic diseases and then looking at my tank that I realized that I have Ick. So I've upping the temp and adding more salt. The normal temp of the tank is 78-79* and this morning 82.7* so i turned up the temp some more and took a salt reading and its at 0.1% so I added some more salt. I'll see what it's at when I get home from work later tonight.

So ultimatly I want 85-86* for the next week and salt leval at what, 0.2%? I read somewhere that cory cats don't do well with the higher level of salt. I'm afraid of loosing fish from the increased temp and salt levels. Will I have any other issues with any of the other fish in the tank?

2- albino cory (1.75-2")
2- bronze cory (1.25-1.5")
2- pictus cat (3.5-4")
2- silver tipped cat (2.5-2.75")
2- pangasius (1.5", 2.5")
4- molly (2-2.5")
1- swordtail (3.5")
4- clown loach (2-2.75")
1- pleco (6")
1- paradise gourami (3")
4- x-ray tetra (1.5-1.75")
1- Bolivian Ram (2")
1- stripped raphael (2.75")
various black/neon tetra (1.5-1.75")
various ghost shrimp

I think that's it.....
Again, thanks for all the help. I've learned so much in my week of being a member.
I just rememberd that i have 1- 2.5" madagascar rainbow.
ur the smartest man alive!!
The pictus will also be one to watch, look for erratic or lethargic behavior and cloudy eyes, if that shows up back off in the salt or seperate the, pangasius and silver tips do okay with it. Clowns, plecos, and gouramis are also okay, I don't know about the ram but apistos were okay. neons were okay but I have not tried black ones or raphaels or x-rays. Mollys and swordtails do well in that level