• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

One proven way to treat ich/ick

I would not add salt, PToney; clown loaches are pretty high stress to it, and I think knives are too. Add some extra air stones or a powerhead aimed at the surface, cease or slow down feeding a good deal, and keep up the water changes.

ilike, what do you mean? On what kind of fish? Some fish 'slough' their skin, like hoplos, I think, when they have an irritant in the water.

They are severum and p bass. Seems like their slime coat are coming off (like long thin strands) they're covered in ich. It like jelly-ish consistency surrounding its body
is it true that if you put a tablespoon of salt in the tank a month itll help out a lil with health?
Hi, I bought a pregnant female from an aquarium store. I put her in a separate tank from the rest of my guppies because she looks like she is about to pop. I had 1 fry in a breeder tank floating inside the tank when I noticed with lights on her that she had 2 white dots on her anal fin and dorsal fin and 1 on her body (Ich eeeeek). I moved my 1 fry to a 1 gallon tank and am watching closely to make sure they are not trying to scratch against anything/have white specs also. I have raised the temperature to 86 degrees F, but cannot get my aquarium salt until 6 AM which I plan to get up and go get. (5 gallon tank heavily planted with fake silk plants) I have an air stone along with a power filter and because I had her in for almost 14 hours I fear it may have spread and do not want to take any chances so I am treating the whole tank and re-cycling afterwords. Sadly, I do not have any places I can quickly get a salt test kit. I read on the front page to treat for 10 days at 86 degrees F with 2 tsp. per gal. of aquarium salt, but what about water changes? Are they needed every day, every couple days, not at all? And is it safe to say that if you replace 1 gallon of tank water you replace with 1 gallon of conditions water with 2 tsp. of new aquarium salt?

Sorry for the extremely long message I just want to be safe with this momma guppy and thanks for your replies! :)
Got my first case of ick. Couple of my tetra and cherry barb got white spots. Started high temp and salt treatment. Added Ich Attack (great product). Ich cleared up in couple days.

Thanks for the great info on ich treatment. Kept my ghost shrimp safe.
I have two Oscars, two Black Convicts, one Striped Raphael Catfish, one Pleco and one Silver tipped shark. I came home Sunday after being gone since Friday and noticed my fish had ick (they were rubbing on the decorations and had white spots) so I immediately went to the nearest pet store and bought a medicine called Super Ick Cure made by a company called API. I followed the directions and used the recommended half dosage for the catfish. It's been two days and seems as if all of my fish are doing good except my silver tipped shark, he is the only one who still has white spots on him, and he's swimming very weakly and floating at the top. I've had to seperate him, because the other fish are nipping at him. The directions on the medicine say I should add another dosage after 48 hours I'm just wondering if this could further harm my silver tipped since he is a scaleless fish or should I treat him in a different manner?