I'd start another thread and try and figure out what's going on first. It's never a good idea to treat before you're sure what the problem is.I use tetra test and its normaly at 12.5 mg/l
I'd start another thread and try and figure out what's going on first. It's never a good idea to treat before you're sure what the problem is.I use tetra test and its normaly at 12.5 mg/l
My friend you keep cycle the tank without fishes as without fish ICK can't get desired target and in the end those will die....but make sure you switch water regular basis so ICK will be out in that cycle.... One other idea after getting clear put some small and routine fishes like guppies or gold fishes to settle tank...Heres another Ick question for this thread...
I just had a total wipeout of my 5gallon tank because of Ick.
Should I start the entire tank over and cycle it again OR will the Ick die off with no fish in the tank?
(I think if we post other possible Ick questions here, then there can be more info for people)
Also forgot to add that the fish all eat like pigs everyday. Just scratch here and there but no white spots or anything
i do water changes basically every other day of 50 to 75 percent, if they had a parasite or worms i dont think they would all be as energized and hungry as they always are. The tank was recently just cycled to 0ppm ammonia so maybe that has something to do with it? really not sure. The fish all act super healthy, none hide in stress and every fish in the tank comes right up to the top of the water when its feeding time waiting for the first bit of food to drop in. I dosed the tank with aquarium salt and raised the temp to 88 and noticed a lot less itching. I'm on about day 4 now with treatment and have only seen one fish itch once. I'm going to just continue with the water changes and slowly decrease the temp back down to 82.If you haven't seen white spots in the week or two you've seen the fish scratching, then its probably not ick. There are many reasons why fish my scratch themselves. First one is water quality issues. Raised ammonia levels irritate the fish and they scratch. My clown loaches do that when I've moved, upgraded tanks and the water is not ideal.
Another is worms/parasites of some kind, it's not necessarily ick. What I'd do in your case, is start improving the water quality by a few large water changes in the next week. See if that stops the scratching eventually. If not, I'd look into parasite treatment for internal worms such as prazi or/and flubendazole.
i do water changes basically every other day of 50 to 75 percent, if they had a parasite or worms i dont think they would all be as energized and hungry as they always are. The tank was recently just cycled to 0ppm ammonia so maybe that has something to do with it? really not sure. The fish all act super healthy, none hide in stress and every fish in the tank comes right up to the top of the water when its feeding time waiting for the first bit of food to drop in. I dosed the tank with aquarium salt and raised the temp to 88 and noticed a lot less itching. I'm on about day 4 now with treatment and have only seen one fish itch once. I'm going to just continue with the water changes and slowly decrease the temp back down to 82.
Salt does one good thing though, it neutralises nitrites...