it would have been until the pond cycles but it kind of got pushed forward. my smallest O started bein an asshold in my 55 and i couldnt put him in the 90 with the 2 big oscars cause he attacks the other dark one so i had to move him into the pond. damn im glad i started it with pre established water. its always nice to have 4-5 thousand gallons of bacteria rich pond water. i also picked up a new rescue today. a 9-10 inch white with orange tiger that had HITH but has been nursed back to health. he was on the verge of death when someone brought it into the lfs and they've had it for almost a year. my O's seem to not like others of the same color. but tolerate there opposite. white with a dark get along fine. anyone else have this? here's some pics.
my 500 gallon ghetto indoor pond
my big albino tiger (about 11")
and my largest (about 12")