
Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 24, 2018
Here is ich. You raise the temp with ich, to speed up its life cycle so medication, or salt can kill it.

If its not ick, raising the temp is often the worst thing to do, because the higher the temp, the more certain pathogenic bacteria become more infectious.
Okay this clears my doubt about ick. What do you think the issue is here?


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
any solution what to do now? Anti fungal? Lower temp?(although you mentioned temp isnt the issue) i am just very worried
Hello; First I get you are worried and that is OK, we are supposed to care about the fish. I caution you to not just do something in a hurry just because of the worry. I have seen it several times that a new fish keeper winds up making things worse by doing things before they have a clear understanding of the problem. Sometimes they have added medications when such were not needed and the side effects made things worse.

My suggestion is to first step up the WC schedule gradually. Do the % you have been doing each day for the next two days. Then up the % some for a each following day until in a week you are at 90%. My guess is the two Oscars in a 75 gallon is too much fish and WC is your best bet right now. Take temp back to 24 degrees should not be an issue.

Does your source water have chlorine or chloramine? If it has either of those, do you use water conditioning chemicals?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 24, 2018
S skjl47
Hey, thanks for understanding my situation!
As with the Wc i had a pretty stable schedule before i suddenly decided to start doing massive amounts. But i will follow what you said and see how things go for the next few days. As of now they seem fine, not too much activity but yeah they are in the search of food, so i feel they are good for now.
And for chlorine i use Anti chlorine with every wc.
Any suggestions before i let them be?


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Any suggestions before i let them be?
Hello; No nothing new right now. I do think we need to know about your filter and the cleaning routine you use soon. I also would like to know a bit about how much you feed and how often.
If you can afford a water test kit that will make us helping you much easier.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 24, 2018
Hello; No nothing new right now. I do think we need to know about your filter and the cleaning routine you use soon. I also would like to know a bit about how much you feed and how often.
If you can afford a water test kit that will make us helping you much easier.
Thank you so much for your help!
I feed them hikari gold twice a day
Wc - Sunday to Sunday 50%
Filter is really not fancy pretty (ashamed to admit this). The typical canister or other sort of filter is pretty rare or too expensive where i live. So i tried to find the most best "filter" the shop had idk what they are called pretty much sponge which collects the dirty stuff and i gotta clean it. Its about 1200Litres per hour.
Gonna go get test kits tomorrow.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Thank you so much for your help!
I feed them hikari gold twice a day
Wc - Sunday to Sunday 50%
Filter is really not fancy pretty (ashamed to admit this). The typical canister or other sort of filter is pretty rare or too expensive where i live. So i tried to find the most best "filter" the shop had idk what they are called pretty much sponge which collects the dirty stuff and i gotta clean it. Its about 1200Litres per hour.
Gonna go get test kits tomorrow.
Hello; First suggestion is to reduce feeding to one time a day. Also have two fasting days each week (fasting means no food at all)

Hello; A sponge filter can and has run tanks well for years. That said you likely need to step up the cleaning of the sponge base a bit. For a time when you are doing a WC and have some old tank water in a bucket just squeeze out the sponge in the tank water. A sponge filter is poor on the mechanical side of filtration but good on the biological filtration side.

An API master test kit may be the more favored kit but a liquid test kit of any sort is considered better than test strips. Look at the expiration date on the chemicals and get one with plenty of time left.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 24, 2018
Hello; First suggestion is to reduce feeding to one time a day. Also have two fasting days each week (fasting means no food at all)

Hello; A sponge filter can and has run tanks well for years. That said you likely need to step up the cleaning of the sponge base a bit. For a time when you are doing a WC and have some old tank water in a bucket just squeeze out the sponge in the tank water. A sponge filter is poor on the mechanical side of filtration but good on the biological filtration side.

An API master test kit may be the more favored kit but a liquid test kit of any sort is considered better than test strips. Look at the expiration date on the chemicals and get one with plenty of time left.
Alright! Will clean the sponge as you said from now onwards.

An API master test kit may be the more favored kit but a liquid test kit of any sort is considered better than test strips. Look at the expiration date on the chemicals and get one with plenty of time left.
Sure will check it out at the store tomorrow

Thanks again with the help i feel so relieved! Will keep you posted.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 24, 2018
Hello; First suggestion is to reduce feeding to one time a day. Also have two fasting days each week (fasting means no food at all
Also, yes will reduce feeding until i sort out the filtration or upgrade tank size


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Also, yes will reduce feeding until i sort out the filtration or upgrade tank size
Hello; Actually I was thinking the reduced feeding to be an ongoing thing, not just short term. At the very least for as long as you have two Oscars in a 75 gallon. Oscars are messy fish and have what we call a heavy bio-load.

About a filter; You do not need a canister or other expensive filter. A decent HOB (hang on back) filter can do the job. Not sure where you live but if there is a Wal-mart around they carry a HOB for around $40 that should do good enough. I have one on my 55 now and it runs well. Nothing wrong with your sponge setup but some mechanical filtration can help.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 24, 2018
Hello; Actually I was thinking the reduced feeding to be an ongoing thing, not just short term. At the very least for as long as you have two Oscars in a 75 gallon. Oscars are messy fish and have what we call a heavy bio-load.

About a filter; You do not need a canister or other expensive filter. A decent HOB (hang on back) filter can do the job. Not sure where you live but if there is a Wal-mart around they carry a HOB for around $40 that should do good enough. I have one on my 55 now and it runs well. Nothing wrong with your sponge setup but some mechanical filtration can help.
Alright cool will feed them as you suggested

I chose a sponge filler over a hang on the back filter. Did i make a mistake? Shall i buy HOB instead?

Also, the oscars sit at the bottom (or swim around) with their mouths open. And the white one has small worm like white stuff coming out of her mouth. Again "worm like". Will the marks heal on them naturally? Cause i would love to see them swimming around with their original beautiful colors!