Oscar vs. Flowerhorn -- opinions please!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
OK so talked to the husband and I think we're on the same page about an oscar, and possibly EBA's. Now I'm obsessively lurking local classifieds for tanks. There's a 125 but it's only 18" wide, is that enough? That seems like a tight squeeze to turn...?
OK so talked to the husband and I think we're on the same page about an oscar, and possibly EBA's. Now I'm obsessively lurking local classifieds for tanks. There's a 125 but it's only 18" wide, is that enough? That seems like a tight squeeze to turn...?

For an Oscar, yes, you would be fine.
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OK so talked to the husband and I think we're on the same page about an oscar, and possibly EBA's. Now I'm obsessively lurking local classifieds for tanks. There's a 125 but it's only 18" wide, is that enough? That seems like a tight squeeze to turn...?
I think you’re probably fine for life or at worst a couple years before you would have to consider something bigger. If you can find a 180 in your budget I would do that, but if you can only get a 125, I wouldn’t worry too much
125 for a single Oscar should be fine. As stated above, regular water changes will be a must. Heavy filtration and I'd recommend some plants, pothos and arrowhead with roots in tank will greatly improve water quality. Floating plants are great also.
125 for a single Oscar should be fine. As stated above, regular water changes will be a must. Heavy filtration and I'd recommend some plants, pothos and arrowhead with roots in tank will greatly improve water quality. Floating plants are great also.
+1 and I’d run chemipure blue . From my experience that stuff is excellent at removing nitrates
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The plan is to heavily plant it before the fish get in there. I have kind of a "thing" for heavily planted tanks...so I'm already brainstorming how I can do it with a fish that likes to dig. Planning round rocks, smooth driftwood, floating plants, and things like java fern and annubias attached to hardscape...I might also try a dirted tank with a layer of sand on top, then a hard plastic divider (like the egg crate dividers if you know what I'm referencing), then more sand on top of that. Thinking I'll have to use silicone to adhere the divider to the glass so it doesn't get shifted around. Possibly the same with the driftwood and *some* rocks but I want to leave some to be moved as desired by the fish...

Honestly I'll probably sketch a plan and put this together over several weeks/months.

Does heavy planting with oscars work to extend time between water changes? it works fantastically in my other tanks but I've never owned a fish above 3" so....

And water changes aren't such a big deal. I stay at home, plus the garden is outside the door closest to where the tank will be....
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