Oscars at Fish Story

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Another oscar rescue, about 12", from Danny G of Cape Coral.

The second half of the video, starting from 2:10 minutes:

Our losses.

The latest oscar rescue from Danny G hasn't survived. It is the first time that an oscar failed to acclimate to our tank. It was in a separate tank at Danny's and it appeared to have been battered a bit, so this might have been a case of too much stress too quickly.


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This oscar, a different species, Astronotus orbicularis, has come to us as a rescue at about 6" about 3 years ago, from a local couple in Naples, FL, who has had it for a few years. About a year ago it started gradually swim less and less upright and eventually swam on its one side all the time, like a flounder. Feeding and all but swimming on a side. I tried to give it my standard antiparasitic mix of metronidazole, praziquantel, and fenbendazole through feed but it didnt help. I couldn't see it like that anymore so let it go and stop the suffering.

12.5". About 6-7 years old.

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Lastly, the orange morph rescued from Alex of Marco island a couple years back, also died out of the blue for no obvious reason.

10". Probably 4 years old.

Two more oscar rescues from Sherie of Ft. Myers, about 8", plus the inner dealings of the oscar community:

Our oscar rescue from 6 years ago, named Oscar, has passed away. Final size 15.5"/40cm. It was the one with badly bulging eyes (came to us like that), whose eyes got damaged in the dark in 4500 gal by the gar tank mates when I stopped leaving a decent night light for this tank. After some months, it learned to live without eyesight apparently fine, feeding well and defending its place in the oscar hierarchy. The last 1.5 years it lived in the 1800 gal.

  • Sad
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Pictures of the oscar named Oscar from the above video.

Cichlid oscar Oscar.JPG

oscar Oscar 1.JPGoscar Oscar 2.JPGoscar Oscar 3.JPGoscar Oscar 4.JPG


This rescue oscar came to us in a bad shape and health - misshapen skull, one-eyed, beat up, poor appetite. Lasted less than a year. The last few months wasn't eating and got emaciated, so had to be euthanized. Came at 7". Last measure 10".

oscar 1.JPG


All oscars have been bought by Rodrigo of Predatory Fins for resales in his store, except one we kept, named "Split lip", the biggest tiger oscar.

Cichlid oscar split lip.JPG