• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I wish I had the tallent to make them but I bought them from a guy on another board that is a potter.

Oh yeah it was modelled from his dead showa, I do remember reading your construction thread on koiphen some years back, very informative read. Great looking pond by the way :cheers:
Hello WonderKeeper,

Beautiful...from the tree, That's Hanoi/North Vietnam style?
Love the small boat and the surrounding garden...
Read your thread before, building one myself so I've checked every single bit of info and pictures I could find over the last couple of weeks. Will hopefully finish the main pond this weekend and coming week. Then start filling and straightening out the liner.

just some pictures of my monster pond. The pond goes from this one side around 30000 gallons to the other side which is way way bigger. It is mostly natural other than some improvements we made to it. Hope you like it!andrews pictures 874.JPGandrews pictures 871.JPGandrews pictures 878.JPGandrews pictures 879.JPGandrews pictures 877.JPGandrews pictures 863.JPGandrews pictures 864.JPG

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sorry it is probably way more than 30000 gallons on the one side as its around 1000' by 200' the other side is way bigger though