• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
OscarMan, is this a natural stream that you've dug out further? or is it really a 'man-made' pond?
Looks beautiful, if man-made, amazing job.

This is a natural stream. It was quite small when i first found it, but me and my brother moved alot of big rocks out and dug it out. next we have to pan for gold and clean the bottom. The water fall used to be an actual water fall until the flood came. This also makes a great swimming place in the summer.
Hommus, that's one of the most beautiful natural setting pond I've ever seen.
That must have cost you years of work to get to this point.
Absolutely stunning...

What kind of filtration are you using on this pond? Bog only? Would love to see more info on it if you have that and want to share it.

Thanks Luc.
I worked on it over a period 9 months in 2007. The surrounding garden is and will always be a work in progress:)

The filter is gravity fed via a bottom drain and pool skimmer to a series of 500 liter water tanks filled with various types of static media including bird netting, poly mesh bags and jap mat. The water returns via 3 small ponds connected by a series of waterfalls. I used to have loads of potted aquatics in these ponds for vegetative filtration but maintenance was high and they trapped a lot of waste so I removed all but a few for decoration. The pond is turned over every hour by two 100 watt submersible pumps. I eventually installed a 36 watt UV for use during late spring and early summer as the even slightest hint of green water sends me nuts:crazy:005.jpg005c.jpg007.JPG008.jpg009.jpg010.jpg






12.jpg my pond, stock: one LMB, one koi, one brown bullhead, a lot of bluespotted sunfish( they have been breeding), and various small sunfishes, chubs, daces, and shiners.

Thanks for sharing Hommus, I like the straight forward setup. Oh and welcome to MFK...

I Just started my first pond, had to do it in a hurry but working out pretty well. Getting to the final stages now. Took much longer than expected but result is paying off.
I choose to go with bogs for filtering, low maintenance. 2 settling tanks fed by 2 bottom drains and 2 pumps from the tanks to 2 bogs. All DIY Low Budget.
One of the bogs finished and started kicking in just this week. Water changed in a few days from dark grey greenish to a very clear light yellowish and is still clearing. Check my arapaima pond build.
Can't wait to see the other bog finished and filtering.
Nothing like yours, really amazed by your landscaping,...stunning....
