• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


This is my main fishing pond, its 55m x 90m x 8m deep, im waiting for the rainyseason to fill it up atleast half, its gonna be a fishing pond gonna stock it with alligator gars, arapaima, arowana, redtails etc, and the local mekong catfish and others, right now there is about 3m of water in it and i put in alot of tilapia and other bait fish for when my big boys arrive.

I also got 2 smaller ponds 15 x 35 x 1.5m that i breed catfish in that get sold to the market.20140207_134019.jpg

Holy Mackerel! That's enough land to build a shopping center or a whole new neighbirhood.
Heres my tiny 887 gallon pond


My fast growing bass

My stock is bluegill,large mouth bass, pumpkinseed & a random goldfish. I get a really bad leech problem once in awhile, dunno how they show up. Luckily the bass takes care of them quite fast. This spring I'll be upgrading the filtering system & possibly a bigger pump, more lillypads & more fish ;)
here is another link, unfortunately I'm having trouble up loading pictures... I guess the links will have to do until I can work out the kinks.
This is my "koi, tilapia, and blue cat pond. I built it myself and is about 2500 gallons. It is 5'8' x 18' x 4.5-5 ' deep.... Hey looks like I got it figured out! :)

Thts sweet you could stock some sterlet sturgeon!

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We have channel catfish, lmb, assorted sunfish hybrids,three triploid grass carp, and two pounds of minnows.

Sterlets would be cool but I don't know if we could keep dissolved oxygen up in the summer. We usually run a hose from the house down the hundred or so yards to pump fresh cold water to help the current fish.

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