This was my pond until I went through a divorce and had to sell the house. Consisted of three ponds, two of them raised with waterfalls to the third and largest pond.
Approximately 6100 gallons total (4500-koi pond, 1200-frog pond, 400-plant pond)
Thanks for the photos sayersweb. I remember seeing your pond somewhere else online and it is very impressive to say the least. Shame you had to leave it.
Great thread! I went through each page and viewed each pic everybody has incredible ponds! More of a push for other members like myself wanting to construct a pond.... maybe in a year I will have a pic on this sticky!
Also I noticed thier were some ponds in the northeast area, by the time i look thru the whole post again i will lose another hour of sleep. Can you just comment what fish you have in the pond, as I'm trying to compile a list of fish and other animals like turtles that can live in thier all year of coarse for the reptiles and amphibians ill be hibernating.
I'm not really into the massive tanks like most people here are. My monster passion is koi and huge ponds. My dream setup would be a house large enough for just a few tanks and a few hundred acres that I could have for sturgeon and koi ponds.
Unfortunately all I've got is a little 3500 gal right now (at least that is what the man who installed it gave me an estimate of). I haven't taken accurate measurements in a while, and as it's currently dark, I'll have to get them in the morning. I'll be able to get a better estimate from there.
As for the livestock I've got 6 ~ "18 koi and a buzillion mosquitofish. I have a bog filter which these pictures don't show well. Most of these pictures are from the last year. The pond has been in operation since 2007.
Pictures of my koi from earlier this year
I've really enjoyed looking at everyone's ponds. Given me great ideas for the next one!!
As promised, I have a better estimate of the gallons as well as measurements for the pond. The pond is 14 ft long, 5.5 ft at the widest, and 2.5 ft at the deepest. Using the average depth and width, I get a value of 750 gallons in the pond. (If anyone has a better method to determining gallonage of a pond, I'm open to hear it.) The bog holds about 470 gallons which brings my total to 1220 gallons. It also has about 17 feet of streams and a smaller pool at the top. The waterfall seen in the second picture in my post above is 3 feet tall.
Here's my pond Its about 1000G 14' long 7' wide at the widest, it steps down from 18" on one end then to 24" and almost 3' in the deep end. The upper pool is filled with water hyacinth and its almost 4' diameter and about 12" deep. Next year I'm going to really expand it and make its about 6' x 4' x 18" deep. Currently I have a Quiet One 4000 running the filter which is a 5G Bucket DIY that keeps the water crystal clear. Next year I'm up grading to a Quiet One 6000 and making the waterfall much wider. The Stock atm is 2x 8-9" LMB, 2x Warmouth, 2 Bluegill, 1 pumpkinseed and 4 Green Sunfish. I have a few pond snails that the fish all seem to snatch up and keep the numbers real low and a bunch of trapdoor snails.
The pond liner looks bad right now but when the Blue rug Junipers start to grow they will hang over the edge and hide it pretty well. I'm also hoping the little six legged critters will climb to the edge and become a snack .
This a new pond that i built in stages. the final pond is 14ft long and 6.5 feet wide and 4 ft deep in the deepest part. The coy have a spot that the can go and hangout under the waterfall. I also created hiding spots that they can get to under rocks. This is after 1st filling it with water. It has since cleared up. Have 7 coi in there 3 Ogden Koi the rest are assorted
Eventually will put a stone patio or deck around it. Have not decided yet but have been creating some designs. My wife is really good at decorating and we will start putting in some pond plants. We want to plant a Japanese Maple