So this is a 500 gallon that im in process of building. Before adding glass i want to get the inside plumbing finished so when i add water, i can test the entire setup with the drains and everything. I want to do a long coast to coast on the back, probably use 3" pvc and mount it from the top with plastic hangers so im not drilling screws into the tank. Use a saw and cut my weirs in it on a slight angle about 1/4 inch apart and about 1.5 inches deep. I can use the height of that to control the water depth if the power goes out. Might take a little bit of trial and error to get it right. Instead of running the drains through the side of my tank i was thinking about mounting a 10 gallon aquarium on the side, make a shelf for it to sit on and run the c2c right out the side and 90 over to the 10 gallon tank. Basically making an external overflow box out of it and have my drains set up going down from there. Have that set to come in lower in the 10 gallon tank to keep noise down with bean animal style drains. Also i was looking at the jabao mwd 20000 return pump. Ran a dct 15000 for 5 years with no issues. What size return off of that? Im shooting for between 4k and 5k gph as i have a snapping turtle thats going in here and they're pretty messy. Kind of want the return to shoot across the bottom of the tank to keep everything cycling around instead of just moving a lot of surface water. Any thoughts or opinions?