Pet indian mongoose

Cichlid king

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 25, 2010
Cichlid king;4741787; said:
I'm referring to the small, 1 1/2 lb indian mongoose - herpestes javanicus. I was introduced into my country in the 19 th century and has since then spread. I've heard they're made pets in places like Hawaii. I've seen some around, and I was wondering if they do indeed make good pets.


Ps, those in Hawaii are descended from the same animals as those where I live. They're all descended from a select few mongoose brought from india to control rats.

Wiliwili Mongoose

Feeder Fish
Jul 6, 2012
Indian mongoose are great pets if you get them young enough. I lived in Hawaii from 1965 to 1998 and have had three pet mongooses. Yes, it's mongooses. Two were a few weeks old when I got them and they became so tame that they never bit anyone and although they are very much wild animals, they made great pets. The mongoose i got as a young adult was a biter but after a while she would only bite a stranger and boy are those teeth sharp. My ex- husband there is a Veterinarian and we found that unlike ferrets they do not need to be spayed to prevent aplastic anemia which is why female ferrets are spayed. Their behavior is much like that of a ferret, hiding things... They move much faster than a ferret and rarely stay still so they are not cuddlers and definitely not for young children.
My ferrets loved hard boiled eggs, chicken bones, ham, and although they don't normally eat fruit, mine loved papayas.
We kept them, separately
in a 5x4 wood and pig-wire and wood pen with a small wooden box for her den and tree branches for them to climb to their food bowls. A ramp led to the floor and was left open while we were at home to supervise her. Once, one of them ran outside and was no where to be found. Hoping for the best, we left the door open and in the morning, she was back in her cage.
Beware that Mongooses are not legal to own in Hawaii! They are a pest which has decimated the native Hawaiian Bird population. Originally introduced to control the rat population, it was found that the Mongoose is a day living or diurnal animal while the rat is a night or nocturnal animal. ( one of mine died while chasing a rat that had gotten into the oven/stove through an unknown hole. My Mongoose bit the rat and the rat bit an electrical line which electrocuted the pair...).


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Feb 20, 2011
Strong Island ,NY
I believe they can be tamed right down, I recall hearing something about people in india keeping them as pets to keep snakes away but I can't remember where thats from so it could be anything from a movie to a dream lol
Rofl, it's from Rikki Tikki TavI, an old short story read by kids in grade school.

Edit: Oops vildotcom beat me to it earlier

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