pictures of freshwater sleeper goby

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Which is the most active Freshwater Goby??
i think there might be something wrong with my sleeper goby. this morning i went to go turn the light on and i saw that his stomach was unusually big and the top of his head was brownish red. can anyone help me?
Ahh a Goby thread :D love all the info and pics!!

My LFS had Pearl Gobies they look just like this. They are about 1 and 1.5 I bought 3. Any idea how to determine the sex?

hmt321;772601; said:
here is my fat sleeper


a close up

My Snakehead Gudgeon, around 30cm give or take:

Unfortunately, was bashed by my Leichardti.:(

i have a 7in marble goby thats super aggresive and his name is bob.