piranha tank size

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2005
Chula Vista, CA (San Diego)
Why is it always hear people asking how many p's they can fit in a 20 or 30 gal?


these are true monsters!!!!! they deserve a tank of at least a couple hundred gallons, not some 30 gallons tank!!!! :swear: or live as a single fish.

just had to vent that ****.
Some people can't spare the funds or the space for more large tanks, you know, things like rent, insurance, feeding the kids. Also there are types of piranha that are not shoaling fish and should be kept alone. That being said I still try to answer those who ask about P's in a 30g by pointing them to either the hollandi (that will fit (1), or the false piranha(Wimple's)), I kept a single rbp in a 35g and while it was healthy I would not do it again, 3 in a 55g maybe, 3-5 in a 100g plus, definitely.
im sorry i have 9 RBP's in a 50g.. getting ready to upgrade to a 125g as soon as i hear back from the guy. they are not too big yet and they dont fight each other.. they have a 100 gallon filter on the tank and is well maintained. im getting the new tank soon or if the start fighting im taking them to the LFS i bought them from and exchanging them for more supplies.. the LFS i got them from has the same size P's for about 35-55 dollars a peice.. they would love to have 9 of them that get along so well together.
I have 1 p in a 20 gal and he is happy
i know this is off topic but ilike ur doggie hah look at him
thank you, and he is a her. her name is roxy. :D
I once started with around 13 rpbs smaller than a quarter in a 55g long tank, they eventually ended up about 9" long and in a 150g before I sold them, meaner than centipedes with athletes foot. Of course by then there were only 8 or 9. Piranha don't get many second chances in a fight, esp. in an aggressive tank full of them.
piranhas dont need huge tanks for the general population of them.....depending on the size many of the serrasalmus species can do fine in a 20L or a 40 breeder....rhombeus take years to grow to monster size so if someone was to purchase one at 3-4" it could take awhile for it to outgrow a 20L.....now if you were keeping a shoal of pygos than you could get into some large tanks.....3 red bellies could live happy in a 75g for life.....its usually 20g per fish rule when it comes to pygos......thats just my take....so for all u future piranha owners dont like this topic scare you away.....depending on the species of piranha one could live in a smaller size tank for a good amount of time maybe not life but a good period of time....... :thumbsup: