piranha tank size

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
should try to help those who don't have as much experience as others. just remember, no matter how long you've been on this site or how well you think you actually know something about p's- your comments will either bring more enthusiasts or turn them away
wffsoccer said:
No he's not

how can u say that depending on the type of piranha and size some species of piranha could be happy for years in a 20 gallon long
in march i bought 9 dime sized red bellies.. put then in a 10g tank feed them everyday all day.. then i put them in a 50g tank when they where about 1.5-2" long.. now i still have 9 red bellies about 4-6"long.
my cousin started with a dozen(but actually got 14p's) dime sized p's in a ten feeding the same way.. put them in a 120g tank about quarter size ithink he said. he called me the other day and told me he has 7 of them still alive..
FormulatedFire said:
piranhas dont need huge tanks for the general population of them.....depending on the size many of the serrasalmus species can do fine in a 20L or a 40 breeder....rhombeus take years to grow to monster size so if someone was to purchase one at 3-4" it could take awhile for it to outgrow a 20L.....now if you were keeping a shoal of pygos than you could get into some large tanks.....3 red bellies could live happy in a 75g for life.....its usually 20g per fish rule when it comes to pygos......thats just my take....so for all u future piranha owners dont like this topic scare you away.....depending on the species of piranha one could live in a smaller size tank for a good amount of time maybe not life but a good period of time....... :thumbsup:

I am new on here and looking to get some piranha to put in a 20 gallon tank, which do you recommend to be the best and how many can I put in there. I would like at least 2 hopefully.
Yeah a big tank is a must...when i kept piranhas, i had 3 rb's in a 125 gal. tank, and they were very happy.
Hiya lowtech,
as you can see from this thread a 20g is to small. the smallest species of piranha gets about 6" long and most get 9-12", some even bigger, since most 20g tanks are only 12' wide and 24" long, you could keep a single Wimpel (false piranha), the Catobrion mento, in it for life but that is about it. They are very cool fish and aggressive predators that get 6" long, this picture is from IBAMA, as posted it is just a tiny bit larger than life sized.

The red bellied piranha gets an average of ten inches long and rarely up to 14", they are shoaling fish and need to be kept either alone or in groups of three or more, never keep just two together, they WILL fight, and when two piranha fight they often both die. You could start with 5 rpbs @ 1 1/2" long in you 20g but plan on getting them a 55g within about six months. Bunchs of plants to break up sight lines help keep fighting to a minimum.

By the way, welcome to MFK.

j_a_c_1972 said:
i have 3 rbp in a 55 is that enough room for them?
Unless they get over around 8-9"s they should be okay.