underwater photosynthesis isvital for survival of terrestrial plants during conditions of
deep floods. Even rather low light conditions already result
in increased survival. Changes in leaf morphology upon submergence, which at least partly compensate the unfavourable gas exchange conditions under water by reducingthe gas diffusion resistance, increase underwater photosynthesis rates, and also decrease photorespiration rates.
It would be particularly interesting to elucidate through
which mechanisms the morphological changes of the leaves
decrease the resistance to gas exchange. It could simply be
the larger leaf surface area to volume ratio that increases
the relative flux of carbon dioxide and oxygen from the
water column into the plant. However, if the development
of submergence-acclimated leaves is similar to heterophylly
in aquatic and amphibious plants, terrestrial plants may be
able to decrease cell wall and cuticle thickness in response
to submergence, and even change the composition of the
cuticle in order to decrease gas diffusion resistance (cf.
Frost-Christensen et al., 2003). Furthermore, acclimation
to submergence may involve not only diffusion resistance,
but also biochemical processes in the photosynthetic
It is not yet known how the formation of submerged leaf
types is induced in terrestrial plants. Data from aquatic and
amphibious plants suggest the hormone ABA, and possibly
ethylene, to be key players in morphological, anatomical
and photosynthetic (biochemical) changes upon submergence (e.g. Kuwabara et al., 2001, 2003; Minorsky, 2003).
Interestingly, these hormones are also essential components
of signalling cascades leading to enhanced shoot elongation
during submergence in some terrestrial species (Kende
et al., 1998; Voesenek et al., 2003). Incorporating plant
hormones into underwater photosynthesis research in terrestrial plants will be a promising avenue of research to
explore how changes in underwater gas exchange capacity
of terrestrial plants are regulated.