planted Piranha tank. POST YOUR PICS please

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Howdy & Thanks,

BRUNER247;4178701; said:
Rbp Harley. They love shredding mine!!they seem to like swords but most other plants If they don't approve, its toast!

I actually do see some sword leaves float by occasionally, that might very well be piranha-inflicted plant damage. But honestly, I do not notice it because I still throw out so much excess growth plant matter every month.

pagancry;4185171; said:
what I meant to say is great tank Harley. That's a planted tank that rivals a great reef tank. What kind of lights do you use?

Thanks, James. I used Coralife Aqualight Freshwater, 4x96 Watts. To be precise, it's only 3x96 Watts right now, because one blub isn't working, must be a bad connection. I cannot seem to find time to unscrew the light box and work on it, and I actually do notice a decreased plant growth on that side of my tank. Not that I am complaining - it's where the floating plants are, and this way I don't have to throw out as much as I normally do.

PEVINE11;4184807; said:
wow i would say. i just got done college so im not so busy any more :)

hows your piranha doing davey?
Don't have one right now. I miss them though, looking to get some more...
just got my caribe... 7 of em.. they are now in my planted 120 gal 4'x2'x2'.. here are some pics-not the best tho.. they small and camera isnt ment to do the job..
jp80911;4185495; said:
nice setup, I like the how you have the woods and moss on the left side of the tank. looks natural.
your rhom still hasn't killed that convict yet? the 4" one I had long time ago would kill anything I put in the tank, even whe it's an oscar bigger than itself.

nope jp he is actually chasing them like crazy but never gets to kill them or even gets close to one idk why lol they all have nomore tails lol
hey matte or acident what kind of plants are the ones you guys have. Do the piranhas eat them? i have a 55 gal waiting to get plants and RBPs
eraser22;4186062; said:
hey matte or acident what kind of plants are the ones you guys have. Do the piranhas eat them? i have a 55 gal waiting to get plants and RBPs

I have:

Echinodorus tenellus
Microsorum pteropus
Echinodorus magdalenensis
Riccia fluitans
Vallisneria americana
HarleyK;4176651; said:
220 gal. No CO2. :D

what is the plant giving shade on the right side of the tank? if it isnt a floating species how did you get it to "float"?
I have had a single piranha for about a year he is 8'' long. I am in the process of setting up my 185 gallon tank and will eventually add 5-6 rbps. The water is perfect in the new tank. The old tank is really high in nitrates, I've done a water change and the ion stuff to no avail, my rbp is not stressed but the water is really hard. Any suggestions? I love your set up!