Please help identify


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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
One of the most problematic things associated with IDing any Amphilophus species is....., that up until about 20 years ago, most Nicaraguan lake Amphillophies were just lumped into just 2, Midas and Citrinillus not realizing there were about 10 or more new species IDed between 2002 and 2013.
But Ampihillophines have been in the hobby for more than 100 years,, and during that time, have been unwhittingly and been constantly interbred.
So most aquarium strain LFS Amps are just basically mutts, mutted over and over. (Midevils)
Unless you went to Nicaragua yourself and smuggled them home in a suitcase,
And a mutt is a mutt is a mutt, matter how much lipstick you put on it.
Calling one individual by looks a mix of Hoga with (any ) midevel, does not increase its species stature, or its reality of a species.
calling it an amarillo/flaviolus does not make it something its not,
no matter what wishful thinking is congered up.

If you like it, in reality, that's all thaat matters, but don't expect to convince others with only a couple photos and without provenience.

If its that important to you, ,at least spend the $500 to $1000 (?) for a DNA test that in a lab with access to molecular sequencing Ampliophine models.

In 2015 I moved to Panama in order to collect pure the pure cichlid species I wanted, ...........its all about motivation.