Polypterus Enclosures pics

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Okay, will add my pics but I feel my tank is mostly a cichlid community tank

My 210 gallon. You can see my weeksii in the lower right part of the tank. There is a del in there somewhere too. On the lookout for one more poly, cant decide what type....

A shot of my weeksii, still growing...
do you have any left? And how did they behave?

only 11-12 polys now. just got rehomed 2. got another volta endili. with the pile. no issues really. just usual biting in feeding thats about it. Now that i have less. i see more growth. also no aggression between the polys
Ok so I now have a clean slate new tank 55gal EMPTY so I need ideas on which Poly's to get so far I've only had 2 albino sengalus n 1 regular sengalus so guys....... Help please.... Need opinions on sand or gravel which do u prefer n decor ideas I was playing around w the idea of a glow style w my previous albinos but now idk???

Ok so I now have a clean slate new tank 55gal EMPTY so I need ideas on which Poly's to get so far I've only had 2 albino sengalus n 1 regular sengalus so guys....... Help please.... Need opinions on sand or gravel which do u prefer n decor ideas I was playing around w the idea of a glow style w my previous albinos but now idk???

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what are the dimesions of that tank? Looks shorter/wider than a normal 55
Actually I'm not sure it was given to me lol n that's what they said lol I'll measure it today n check it might b smaller hahaha

Actually I'm not sure it was given to me lol n that's what they said lol I'll measure it today n check it might b smaller hahaha
ya I cant tell from the pic, but regardless about the only species you'll be alright keeping are senegals, and even that may be a stretch if you get ones with good genetics and they break the 8" mark.