Polypterus Enclosures pics

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
ya I cant tell from the pic, but regardless about the only species you'll be alright keeping are senegals, and even that may be a stretch if you get ones with good genetics and they break the 8" mark.
Could I start with babies n then move them to a bigger tank later I'm gonna get a bigger one after the new year? Do you think that would be a good time frame??
Could I start with babies n then move them to a bigger tank later I'm gonna get a bigger one after the new year? Do you think that would be a good time frame??
what size will the bigger tank be? and yes provided its a good upgrade that would be a good timeframe for most young polys 3-4"
Ive had a few poly's over the years, some sold, some jumped to *freedom*...But I havehad one that has outlasted every other fish-followed closely by my one eye'd Albino Oscar-whom I purchased 5 years ago.

I have two Poly's at the moment. A Plain 'ol Sengal I picked up I guess about 7 years ago now, from Petco. Oldest pic I could find at about 9 months owned, yes that's a real skull-given to me by a friend that got it from a Dentist... now almost completely disolved!

Here she is today



Her latest enclosure. 125G with a few other oddballs and a very shy oscar. After these years of fish owning and *several* tanks- I ALWAY know its, *Spud*, because she has one spine, about 3 spines in from her tail that doesn't work. She's always had one 'dead' spine-since I originally got her.

I also have a juvenile Ornate now too(less than 6months owned) but no pics today! He wasn't having it.
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Guys I have a enclosure question what do you prefer for the bottom of your tanks gravel or sand
Nice sen racersk.
Guys I have a enclosure question what do you prefer for the bottom of your tanks gravel or sand
Prefer sand. Looks nicer. Easier to pass by polys if accidentally swallowed.