Polypterus Enclosures pics

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Sons 20 gal pleco,algae eater,glow tetras20181119_171959.jpg my 29 gal single ornate 20181119_172233.jpgand a 55 with a 30 gal sump. 2 clown loach,angle fish,pleco,BGK,Sen and dez,and finally iridescent shark20181119_171535.jpg and slowly piecing everything together for my 90 gal be up and going soon hopefully
Forgive the shakey panoramic photo. It’s late. I’ve had a drink or fiveish.
Zoomed 50 gallon lowboy with eshops 75 gallon sump and eclipse overflow. Aquaterra acrylic coated ruby sand...the back third is fluval stratum for the root feeding plants. Dragon stone, Malaysian drift wood, Anubias nano, crypt lutea, crypt spiralis, crypt wendtii bronze, s. repens, microsword, java fern and windelov, fire moss and susswasertang. DIY co2...pressurized setup being ordered Wednesday. So give that a week or two, depends on amazon. Fluval 36” 3.0 on homemade stand. Will skin it sooner or later.
Stocked with two Delhezi, one Senegal, albino Veiltail Bristlenose pleco, spotted Raphael catfish and colony of yellow tux guppy overflow/culls.
I’m probably missing something. It’s late. Work in the morning. Too much gin. G’night.