Polypterus Enclosures pics

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I will show you my polytherus tank. Volume 400 liters. I would like to hear your opinion and criticism .. The tank itself is temporarily in the carpentry workshop. There is currently no fish in it, all the fish are sitting at home to Q-tank. Recently, the fish was recovered; I am preparing to move the tank and reissue it. The design, while the fish was sitting, was like that. In the new design I will use 0.3 mm black quartzite as a substrate, large rounded stones and driftwood of mangrove and mopani ..



Finally getting settled into my new place. I hate moves.20190806_084550.jpgnew 30 gal with a ornate growing up in there hiding in amazon plant20190919_085140.jpgnew 55 with ornate dehilz and Senegal growing also all hiding in the amazon20190919_090953.jpg90 gal iredesnt, two loach, pleco, ghost knife 20190930_181728.jpgand then my newest 220 gal with another 30 gal and a 30 gal hexagon