Possible conflicts among fishes


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 27, 2018

I would like to know if there would be conflicts among fishes and which ones might not be compatible. The water parameters can be maintained to suit all listed fishes.

Upper part:
Pantodon buchholzi - african butterfly fish
Middle part:
Apteronotus Albifrons - black knife fish
Channa Orientalis - ceylon snakehead
Fundulopanchax gardneri - Steel-blue killifish (smallest fish among all other listed ones)
Fundulopanchax sjostedti - Blue gularis
Gnathonemus petersii - elephantnose
Bottom part:
Albino senegalus polypterus - Albino senegal bichir
Erpetoichtys calabaricus - reedfish/ropefish
Clean-up crew:
Bristlenose pleco
Agamyxis pectinifrons - Spotted talking catfish

All opinions are welcome, especially those, who have kept some of them together.
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011

I would like to know if there would be conflicts among fishes and which ones might not be compatible. The water parameters can be maintained to suit all listed fishes.

Upper part:
Pantodon buchholzi - african butterfly fish
Middle part:
Apteronotus Albifrons - black knife fish
Channa Orientalis - ceylon snakehead
Fundulopanchax gardneri - Steel-blue killifish (smallest fish among all other listed ones)
Fundulopanchax sjostedti - Blue gularis
Gnathonemus petersii - elephantnose
Bottom part:
Albino senegalus polypterus - Albino senegal bichir
Erpetoichtys calabaricus - reedfish/ropefish
Clean-up crew:
Bristlenose pleco
Agamyxis pectinifrons - Spotted talking catfish

All opinions are welcome, especially those, who have kept some of them together.

Welcome aboard would delete the Killi fish due to the African Butterfly fish and possible spats between Elephant nose and BGK. Don't really know about the Snake head but the rest of stock could work but depends on aquarium size.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 27, 2018
What's your opinion on the larger killifish? Their max length according to various sources - 13 cm.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 27, 2018
floating plants are a possibility (have them in other aquariums, so in case of need - will be able to add them quickly). I'm a bit concerned about channa (which I heard is a beast and will eat anything moving), but it's the smallest one... and the killies (not the blue gularis, but the smaller, which are ~5-6cm), however if i'll lose them in process - no big deal. Gnathonemus petersii is also another interesting fish, which gives me a headache - will it be ok...

Hardscape of aquarium consists of many caves, where even a grownup polypterus could hide., some sand and some carpet plants. Most of the plants require little light (anubias, bucephalandra), only the carpet - monte carlo - might be in a little bit of need.

Maybe somebody knows any other compatible oddfish'es? (also all the fishes would be kept single or in pairs - not a massive groups)


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
floating plants are a possibility (have them in other aquariums, so in case of need - will be able to add them quickly). I'm a bit concerned about channa (which I heard is a beast and will eat anything moving), but it's the smallest one... and the killies (not the blue gularis, but the smaller, which are ~5-6cm), however if i'll lose them in process - no big deal. Gnathonemus petersii is also another interesting fish, which gives me a headache - will it be ok...

Hardscape of aquarium consists of many caves, where even a grownup polypterus could hide., some sand and some carpet plants. Most of the plants require little light (anubias, bucephalandra), only the carpet - monte carlo - might be in a little bit of need.

Maybe somebody knows any other compatible oddfish'es? (also all the fishes would be kept single or in pairs - not a massive groups)

Out of the list the Snakehead would be the biggest concern but don't have experience with the smaller specie.
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Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 27, 2018
Updated list:

Upper part:
1-2 Pantodon buchholzi - african butterfly fish
Middle part:
1 Apteronotus Albifrons - black knife fish
2-4 Fundulopanchax gardneri - Steel-blue killifish (smallest fish among all other listed ones)
2-4 Fundulopanchax sjostedti - Blue gularis
1 Gnathonemus petersii - elephantnose
Bottom part:
1 Albino senegalus polypterus - Albino senegal bichir
1 Erpetoichtys calabaricus - reedfish/ropefish
Clean-up crew:
2-3 Bristlenose pleco
1-2 Agamyxis pectinifrons - Spotted talking catfish

Also entered the possible amount of each species.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 27, 2018
Updated list:

Upper part:
1-2 Pantodon buchholzi - african butterfly fish
Middle part:
1 Apteronotus Albifrons - black knife fish
2-4 Fundulopanchax sjostedti - Blue gularis
1 Gnathonemus petersii - elephantnose (not sure, a bit conflicting electrical fish with knife)
Bottom part:
1 Albino senegalus polypterus - Albino senegal bichir
1 Erpetoichtys calabaricus - reedfish/ropefish
Clean-up crew:
1-2 Bristlenose pleco
1 Agamyxis pectinifrons - Spotted talking catfish

OUT Fundulopanchax gardneri - too small for the rest of the fishes and most likely becomes tasty food.
OUT Channa Orientalis - too aggresive.

Opinions on more odd-looking fish are welcome. Also thinking of elephantnose change to more school fish like Polycentropsis abbreviata, Monocirrhus polyacanthus, Ctenopoma Acutirostre with 4-5 of them. A bit concerned with compatibility with "fin fishes" like fundulopanchax, buchholzi.